
Manage Services Remotely via Command Line

If you have a service change that needs to be made quickly, use the command line to remotely change services. Replace SERVER with the name of the computer you want to modify and change NAMEofSERVICE with the name of the service.

The 4 means the service will be disabled. Change it to one of the following to fit your needs:

0 = Boot
1 = System
2 = Automatic
3 = Manual
4 = Disabled

Place in a *.CMD file and double click to stop the service and set it to “Disabled”.

REG ADD \\SERVER\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NAMEofSERVICE /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f

Source: http://smallvoid.com/article/winnt-services-regedit.html

#microsoft #registry #windows